Ah trinkets; an important aspect of gear yet they are rarer than the chance of finding a flying hippo. And even when they do drop, you will find retdins, warriors, kitties, rogues, other dks, shammies, mummies, The Cookie Monster....you get the idea....all rolling against you.
While there are trinkets from dungeons, none of them are as powerful as the ones found inside raids [duh]. This post will firstly cover dungeon, badge and BOE trinks that you will find while running around in Northrend. The subsequent post [most likely to be posted next week] will cover raid trinkets.
Rating is split into Newbies [who just spam Heroics] and Raiders [who run ICC raids regularly]
BOE Trinket
Darkmoon Card: Greatness: One of the most easily obtainable trinket and the most powerful one out of the Easy to Get category if you have the cash.
Newbies: 10/10
Raiders: 7/10
Normal Dungeon
Banner of Victory: Offering ArPen as its primary stats and a chance to proc more AP, Blood DKs will find the most use out of this. Yet, getting this trink is harder than getting a male turtle to lay eggs. The RNG aspect of the trink dropping is so abysmal that you're prolly better off without it.
Newbies: 6/10
Raiders: 4/10
Heroic Dungeon
Needle-Encrusted Scorpion: The current trink that is most sought after by many, with said many killing themselves and kitties after a nondrop from every run. But is it really worth the effort? I don't think so. While the item lvl is that of TOTC10, the proc rate is low [10% chance on CRIT]. It's bad for people with low crit rate and so-so for those with high crit rate. There is also a ICD of 50 seconds so you will not see the proc up very much. The proc itself give you ArPen which suits Blook DKs and maybe Unholy just fine. Once again, don't kill yourselves over not getting this trink to drop.
Newbies: 6.5/10
Raiders: 5/10
Mirror of Truth: Ah, good ole' Mirror of Truth. Still a good trinket despite being around since WotLK first came out. While using the same proc-on-crit system as the Scorpion, it has a shorter ICD [30 seconds only] which means you will see it up more often than the Scorpion. An aging trinket, its stats lose out to Scorpion and thus is ranked lower than it; Even so, it is one of the easy to get trinkets.
Newbies: 6/10
Raiders: 4.5/10
Mark of Supremacy: Featuring tons of hit, this trinket is mighty useful if you need the hit. Yet since it provides so much hit, anymore HR you get on your upgraded armor that gets you over hit cap reduces the power of this trink. Has a on-demand proc for moments when burst is necessary. The 2 minute CD is weird when you're trying to maximize the usage of Dancing Rune Weapon or Gargoyle.
Newbies: 6-8/10
Raiders: 6-8/10
Herkuml War Token: An ICC25-Level trink providing lots of haste and a stacking AP buff, it is FotFF on steroids. While haste is a mediocre stat, with Unholy getting the most use out of it, the amount provided it enough to put it up with the other good trinkets. Fully stacked, it gives you 340 AP, perfect on fights while you don't have to move like Saurfang and Festergut. Blood will likely find less use for this trink than the Scorpion while Frost DW is able to get the full stack up quickly.
Newbies: 7/10
Raiders: 7/10
So that wraps up the first part of the trinket section. Stay tune next week for trinks from raids, both old and new. Till then, good luck with your rolls.
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