Ah, trinketsss, the only item slots in the current raiding scene that will bring us the Gollum in all of us due to their rarity and awesomeness (but mostly due to rarity). Seeing Death's Verdict drop is like Santa Claus visiting your house in May while you cursed that the twink val'kyrs would rot in hell everytime it doesn't drop. I know I do.
So, picking up from last week's post, we'll take a look this week at the precioussss...pardon me, trinkets found in all 4 tier of raids.
Grading will be solely for raiders this time as Heroic runners wouldn't get to see such magnificant trinkets. The grading will be judged based off it's powers and the availability of the trink NOW. I mean how useful can a trinket be if no one runs the raid right?
Naxxaramas 25
Grim Toll: 6/10: One of the very best trinkets in its glory days, still a powerful one today. It provides a rough 40% ArPen (rounding off) with a generous 15% proc chance ON HIT.
Bandit's Insignia: 6/10: A moderately good trink, even now, provides passive AP and a strike on proc.
Obsidian Sanctum 25
Fury of the Five Flights: 4/10: Offering 0 passive stats and 320 AP fully stacked, this trinket builds up signifincantly faster if you are dual wielding. Yet on movement fights, this trink sucks since it falls off after 10 seconds of inactivity. The War token is a better option.
Malygos 25
Mark of Norgannon: 1/10: Let's face it, even if the expertise is good, the haste on proc sucks.
Uldaur 10
Pyrite Infuser: 5-7/10: Working like the Mirror, it gives Hit Rating instead of Crit as its passive stats and a much stronger AP proc. A grade 7 if you can use all of the Hit Rating.
Mjolnir Runestone: 7/10: Dropping off Thorim Hard, this trink has a generous does of crit and 47% ArPen on proc. Still useful even in ICC.
Uldaur 25
Wrathstone: 6/10: Dropping off Kologarn, the wrathstone is still a wonderful trink to any class that favours Crit. While Unholy of the past would scream to have this, there are much better options out there. Plus, getting this trinket now is pretty hard since no one wants to run Uldaur 25.
Blood of the Old God: 7/10: Pyrite Infuser on steroids. Enuf said.
Victor's Call: 5/10: One of the many infamous ToTC10 trinks, it features expertise as its primary stats which is less sought after than Hit Rating. Build up time is slow as well, taking into consideration a 2.0 speed weapon, it'll need HALF of the uptime to reach full potential.
Death's Choice: 9/10: No other trinkets have been so highly valued and sought after than this little gift from the Gods themselves. The mere motion of it dropping is enough to send grown men into tears and causing nerdrage rivalling that of Zeues, when his thunder bolt was stolen, when they lost the roll. This is Darkmoon Card: Greatness on super steroids. Would have obtain a full marks if not for the fact that its droprate is abyssamally low. You'll have better luck getting hit by a cow falling from the sky. What? Who says I'm bitter and angry, I'LL GET YOU.
Whispering Fanged Skull: 8/10: An awesome trinket from Mrs. KT herself. The passive Crit is ok and the high proc time (35% proc chance, 45 seconds ICD) of the AP buff is what seals the deal.
Deathbringer's Will: 9.5/10: An incredible trinket from Saurfang Jr. himself, it provides a passive 11% ArPen and a chance to proc 3 different types of buffs base on your SPEC. That's right, it is an intelligent trinket. The proc uptime is incredible as well (I really need a dictionary by my side when I type out posts >.>): a whooping 30 seconds! This and its heroic version tops the trinket race of WotLK. Lastly, what makes this trinket amazing is that it transforms you into different races!
Tiny Abomination in a Jar: 7.5/10: A weak trinket for its level, boss it drops from and its kawaii name. While the concept is cool, it is its failings as well since it is difficult to balance such proccy stuff. In short, a road to hell paved with good intentions. Comments have shown this to be BiS for our holy brothers so do pass it to them so they'll pass Deathbringer's will to you.
And thus, we wrap out our trinket section for WotLK 3.3. So stay tune for more information on the Ruby Sanctum trinket coming soon(tm)! Until then, happy rolling.
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