So another year has come and gone, as we all prepare ourselves for a whole new year, let's not forget what we have experienced and learn in the past year. Did you manage to fulfill that resolution of yours to lose 5kg or did you gain that amount instead? For WoW, 2009 brings about major changes to the game including easier alt leveling. Guild-wise we have really progress alot to seal our place as one of Dath's top casual Alliance raiding guild. so here's a timeline chronicling our journeys for the past 12 months
1st: Tofuman reaches 80
7th: Naxx10 downed after 2 months of hardwork. First The Ancients Northrend raid.
15th: Malygos10, top of 3.0 raid content finally downed.
7th: Zeltan obtains Baron Rivendare's mount
10th: Zahno reaches 80
14th: Patch 3.1 releases, bringing Uldaur raids, Argent tourny and a new battleground.
26th: Naxx25 down, run consist of The Ancients and Whistling Dixies. First 25man Northrend raid.
23rd: Malygos25 down after months and months of attempt.
20th: BeanieOne reaches 80
4th: Patch 3.2 released, bringing us 1 new 5man dungeon, 1 new raid with 4 different modes and 1 battleground. New dailies are added to the mix as well, allowing us to gain rep with our Factions.
21st-22nd: BlizzCon2009 opened, bringing us news of the up-coming Cataclysm expansion that will literally shake up the way how we play WoW completely.
2nd: Faction Change Service is available.
6th: ToTC10 downed.
14th: Sarth+3D downed, Moordenar wins the Black Drake.
20th: XT002 Hard Mode completed.
18th: Yogg-Saron defeated finally.
27th: Race Change Service is now available
4th: First 2 Cash pets on sale at Blizzard's online store, creating much controversy.
19th: Anubárak25 bites the dust, completing ToTC25
8th: Long awaited Patch 3.3 arrives, marking the final patch for WotLK before Cataclysm. A whooping 3 new 5mans, 1 raid and overhaul of dungeon and Heroic system was added .
9th: The Ancient's 3rd Brithday! Grats!
14th: First wing of ICC10 downed.
So here it is, 12 months worth of flashbacks. Here's looking to more achievements by your character and the guild for 2010! Happy New Year.
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