The Gaming Lizard

World of Warcraft.Life.Random Babblings from a Lizard POV

  • It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft

    Welcome to the revamped blog of the Lonelylizard! Feel free to take a look around!
    About me: I'm a 20 year old living in Singapore. Passion includes playing WoW and drawings.
    Realm played: Dath's Remar
    Characters: Lvl85 Deathknight, Lvl80 Paladin, Lvl80 Warlock, Lvl80 Priest, Lvl85 Hunter

Happy 2010!

Posted by Zeltan On 1/01/2010 05:44:00 AM 0 comments

2009 Resolution

So another year has come and gone, have you kept to your New Year Resolution? Or was it abandoned a few months after. If you had persisted till the end of 2009, well done. But just because you managed to shed off that fats doesn't mean you can gain it back this year. It's about changing your lifestyle forever, and not just in that particular year.

For 2009, I did not do particularly well I have to admit.

For 2010, I decided to "overhaul" myself, reinventing myself. WoW-wise, I'm going to change the way I play WoW, that means more tanking and healing [yes, healing. Watch out for Project H.E.A.L.S coming soon(tm)]. I want to focus my attention on Zeltan and Beanieone [poor alt will have to wait in Outlands]

As you can see, this year's Resolution has a main theme- Change. I figured since I'm reaching my second decade this year, it's high time for change. Change in attitude towards things, change in the way I speak.

I'm going to tank more with Zeltan and help him restore his goblin rep [something I kept putting off]. Get more rep on him for the Outland ones as well.

As for Beanieone, he is gonna heal more while his main spec remains Retribution [I did mention the day B1's main spec isn't Ret is the day robot zombies take over the world]

So that covers my 2010 Resolution, what's your New Year Resolution this year?


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