The Gaming Lizard

World of Warcraft.Life.Random Babblings from a Lizard POV

  • It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft

    Welcome to the revamped blog of the Lonelylizard! Feel free to take a look around!
    About me: I'm a 20 year old living in Singapore. Passion includes playing WoW and drawings.
    Realm played: Dath's Remar
    Characters: Lvl85 Deathknight, Lvl80 Paladin, Lvl80 Warlock, Lvl80 Priest, Lvl85 Hunter

Know Your: Silencer

Posted by Zeltan On 1/23/2011 10:13:00 PM 0 comments

Ever wonder what the different classes are capable of? When you need some dispelling, who can you count on to save your rear? When the tank "accidentally" pulled a Heroic thrash mob, who can help to keep them under control?

Know Your series will answer all your questions and more! Every week we'll take a look at a different aspect of gameplay be it crowd control or dispels. Hopefully this will help you be one step closer to mastering Cataclysm Heroics!

The 3rd installment shifts the focus on the Silencers - people who helped mitigate damage to the tanks and raid by stopping the enemy from unleashing devastating spells.

The role of Silencers is to either silence or interrupt spellcasting.

Many heroics in Cataclysm requires the usage of interrupts and silences to succeed, prominent examples being the Stonecore Earthshapers and Lady Naz'jar in Throne of Tides. Letting them cast just one spell will potentially prolong the fight or result in tank death.

Fortunately, Cataclysm also provides some classes or specs with reliable interrupts so that the chances of a run being screwed over by not having Silencers in your pug are lowered.

What are reliable interrupts? Mainly interrupts with 10seconds, give or take, cooldown. Such abilities allow the constant interruption of spells without being unable to do so when the time calls for it.

Abilities will be classified into 2 categories: Silence which prevents spellcasting for a length of time and Interrupts which has short CDs but usable only on one spell and usually comes with spell-lockout.

Cooldowns are color coded to show the reliability. Green - Reliable, Orange - Sometime, Red - Unreliable


Strangulate - Silence - 2min CD

Mind Freeze
- Interrupt - 10s CD


Skull Bash (Feral) - Interrupt - 10s CD (talented)

Solar Beam (Balance)
- AOE Silence - 1min CD


Silencing Shot (MM) - Silence - 20s CD

Moths (Pet) - Interrupt - 1min CD

Gorillas (Pet) - Interrupt - 30s CD

Nether Rays (Pet) - Interrupt - 40 CD


Counterspell - Interrupt - 24s CD


Rebuke (All in 4.0.6) - Interrupt - 10s CD

Hammer of Justice (Prot Talented) - Interrupt - 1min CD


Silence (Shadow) - Silence - 45s CD


Kick - Interrupt - 10s CD

Garrote - Silence - Usable only Out Of Combat


Wind Shear - Interrupt - 6s CD


Fel Hunter (Pet) - Silence - 24s CD


Pummel (DPS)
- Interrupt - 10s CD

Shield Bash (Tank) - Interrupt - 12s CD


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