The Gaming Lizard

World of Warcraft.Life.Random Babblings from a Lizard POV

  • It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft

    Welcome to the revamped blog of the Lonelylizard! Feel free to take a look around!
    About me: I'm a 20 year old living in Singapore. Passion includes playing WoW and drawings.
    Realm played: Dath's Remar
    Characters: Lvl85 Deathknight, Lvl80 Paladin, Lvl80 Warlock, Lvl80 Priest, Lvl85 Hunter

Happy Cataclysm Day

Posted by Zeltan On 12/07/2010 01:55:00 PM 0 comments

Happy Cataclysm day to everyone! Enjoy the feeling have having an experience bar again and please be polite to everyone. Dungeons are now very dangerous so be nice to your local spirit healer.

Oh, and the blog has a new look to celebrate the expansion!


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