At long last, Zeevon is finally a bona fide Deathknight that rides a Frostwyrm into battle. Coincidentally, this also marks the 1 month countdown to the end of the world.
The raid started with some heroic rescue attempts of Dreamwalker, finally saving her by the 120th min mark.
All you can eat sounds like a simple enough fight but in reality, requires lots of controls from everyone in the raid. Should anyone failed to control their debuff, it's a wipe. Frankly I can't imagine what it is like doing this on 25man.
Sindragosa provided a hell lot of a challenge be it on normal, heroic or achievement mode. So it's fitting that Zeevon's last hurdle towards Glory of the Icecrown Raider is Sindragosa.
After a mind torturing 50mins of going at Sindy, we finally downed her, netting Zeev his long awaited mount.
This maybe the very last raid achievement I may be doing with The Anicents so a big thank you to all the raiders who have attended all the ICC raids.
While I wished that we'll be burning down Cataclysm raids together, the tides of change wait for no one. I will always cherish the times we spent raiding Kara, Naxx, Maly, Yogg-Saron, Anub-arak and finally, the Lich King.
Until then, you'll catch me flying around in my uber awesome frostwyrm!
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