The Gaming Lizard

World of Warcraft.Life.Random Babblings from a Lizard POV

  • It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft

    Welcome to the revamped blog of the Lonelylizard! Feel free to take a look around!
    About me: I'm a 20 year old living in Singapore. Passion includes playing WoW and drawings.
    Realm played: Dath's Remar
    Characters: Lvl85 Deathknight, Lvl80 Paladin, Lvl80 Warlock, Lvl80 Priest, Lvl85 Hunter


Posted by Zeltan On 10/17/2010 03:34:00 PM 0 comments

Why do you play the class you play? That is the title for this think-tank blog post this week. What factors do you consider when choosing a new class to play - flavor of the month? Highest DPS? Or simply you like the "feel" of the class?

Well, here's my selection of toons that I personally loved.


Hunter is the very first class that I chose to play in 2007. After some research on World of Warcraft and it's class/race system, I decided to pick the race first - A Night Elf. Am I a classical nerd who likes long ears and slender body? Maybe but I fell in love with the race ever since picking up Warcraft3.

So, after choosing my very first Night Elf, I'm stuck with a dilemma. I wanted a Ranged Damage Dealer since I thought it'll be easier to pick up for a newbie but the class I wanted (A Mage) isn't available back then. (Why can't Cataclysm come sooner!?) I considered picking priest but spriest wasn't that widely recognized by the forumites back then. There's no warlock either so I went with Hunter and the rest is history.

By the time WotLK hit us, I was pretty bored with the playstyle of Hunter (steady shot spam ftl) and thus, shelved Zevon who was never played for close to 2 years.

But that maybe changing. With Army out of the way, I may finally have time to pick him up from alt hell again as the 5th toon. Will that change? Only time will tell.


Beanieone was destined to be a Retribution Paladin ever since his birth. While he's not the second toon I have created, he has the honor of being my second and last toon to reach the max level of 70 in TBC. He was created as a symbol of my defiance against stereotypes of DPS classes.

In TBC, retdins were widely ridiculed for being laughably weak and useless. Being bored with Zevon the Hunter, I created Beanieone and set to prove them wrong. He proved to be a blast to play and a breath of fresh air from the ranged playstyle. I stuck with him until the end of my playtime for TBC and similarly, banished him to alt hell once I returned to WotLK.

Still, he is my 3rd toon to hit level 80 and suffice to say Retribution is still fun to play despite the "facerolling" stereotype once again plaguing the spec. No doubt Cataclysm will bring Rets to a whole new level with the introduction of Holy Power.


Tofuman the Priest was birthed by the need of "mana batteries" in TBC raids, especially in Kara where The Ancients were raiding in back then. Needless to say, priest of TBC past wasn't a powerhouse and more of a utility toon. Plus, we had Kalus powering the raid and thus, Tofu was put in alt hell without reaching 70.

After levelling Zeltan/Zeevon the Deathknight (see below), I was in search of a new alt to level. Needing a breather from melee combat, I picked Tofu as my second level 80. He had a good run but soon I was bored of the spriest playstyle and shelved him again.

After I had 2 more level 80s (Beanie and Zahno), I bought Tofu out to play once more. Soon than you say "Chickenpotpie" I was bored of him yet again and shelved him for the 3rd time. By now, it seems that I have a love-hate relationship with Spriests. How this dynamic will apply in Cataclysm remains to be seen.


Deathknight. A class that I jumped straight at the moment it is announced. Till this day, I have not figured out what exactly lured me to it. Is it the story behind the class? Or the style of Deathknights - Harbinger of Doom with ghouls what-nots. Either way, Zeltan/Zeevon has been my main throughout WotLK and will be come Cataclysm.

Being a Night Elf originally, I changed both his name and race to reflect a change in attitude for the rest of the expansion. Who would have thought that Night Elf DKs would be that popular? (And most of them crap)

The Deathknight has received alot of changes for Cataclysm but that only served to increase my enjoyment of the class even more. While it's hard to forsee what more changes will happen, for now, Zeevon is the (main) One.


The warlock class has always been a guilty pleasure of mine, after all, I chose it as my very 2nd toon. Alas, the first lock only lasted till level 30 before been frozen in alt hell, never to be touched again. After getting 3 toons to level 80, I decided to level one more and thus picked up Warlock again.

Demology in particular held my attention for the longest, in part due to the singular, coolest spell ever- Metamorphosis.

Strangely, the Warlock represents my 3rd pet class out of 4 toons I have active. Maybe I'm just a pet person? Cataclysm has delightful plans for Zahno the lock, being 3rd in line to be leveled. Perhaps I'll get the itch again and put him in front of Beanie? Who knows.

That's the end of my history lesson. What's yours?


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