The Gaming Lizard

World of Warcraft.Life.Random Babblings from a Lizard POV

  • It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft

    Welcome to the revamped blog of the Lonelylizard! Feel free to take a look around!
    About me: I'm a 20 year old living in Singapore. Passion includes playing WoW and drawings.
    Realm played: Dath's Remar
    Characters: Lvl85 Deathknight, Lvl80 Paladin, Lvl80 Warlock, Lvl80 Priest, Lvl85 Hunter

Make a wish upon a falling star

Posted by Zeltan On 7/31/2010 09:15:00 PM 0 comments

As of 31st July 2010, The Ancients have finally conquered all of WotLK's 10man bosses. It was a long and hard journey but the results are very satisfying. There is nothing much to be said except to show.

I am extremely lucky to be a proud owner of Reply-Code Alpha, the only thing to stop the Titans from destroying Azeroth.


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