With me having an extremely long weekend,due to off and public holiday, it's certainly time to go all out to make good use of the playtime. Since we're at the end of May, ICC buff has since reached 20%. Both of my alts finally get into an ICC25 pug, netting them the vital achievement to get them into future pugs. Beanie, the lucky one, won Bryntroll (2nd on my toons, the axe loves me) while poor Zahno walked away with only badges.
On Friday, the 10man Progression Team(tm) breezed through the first 9 bosses, with only a few minor setbacks with Putricide and Sindra. None the less, we managed to get in a few shortlived tries on the King.
Sunday night, we devoted 3 hours on the Lich King himself. We definitely get better with each wipe, with his health reaching as low as 30%. We can expect a kill soon.
As for the chef title, I realised that I in fact had every Outland recipe and just did not know. As a result, each day was spent doing the cooking daily in Shattrah, cursing each time there's no recipe in that barrel of fish.
Edit: Yes, technically Monday is still part of the previous week. So uldaur hard mode news!
Grats to the Ancients for finally downing Yogg+1 (even if we're way overgeared). It's a really difficult fight and kudos to those who accomplished this back when Uldaur was top tier. Grats to those who obtain their Proto Drakes...wonder when will Zeevon get his?
It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft
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