It's a very awesome week for The Ancients in raiding terms, with several guild firsts both in 25man and 10man, and both in new and old content.
On Thursday's ICC25, Rotface choked on his slime for the first time, yielding his acidic blood for Wolfkal. Hurry and farm those Primordial Saronite, Wolf jr!
On Saturday, the Blood Princes (Taldaram, Keleseth and Valanar) die a second time shortly after being rezzed. Let's hope that ICC will not be a minor setback! Later on, The Ancients attempt to kill the Queen of the Damned but was damned instead, better luck next week.
While Blood Queen25 proved to be a challenge, 10man version of her fell to the might of The Ancients after 2 failed attempts. Although we only have 2 tries at Sindragosa, her life reached 29% and thus, the raid lockout was extended. The Lich King better watch out next Friday!
And the latest one on Monday was the Firefighter10 achievement (SS above), earned after an epic 2 hour of keyboard bashing, leaving us with very burnt left nuts, hair and leaves. Well done guys!
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