Looking back at all the stuff that I have done, I suddenly realized that I have been playing World of Warcraft for 3 years. That's a pretty significant milestone seeing that most online games I played does not last more than 2 years so it certainly speaks about how engaging WoW is to me.
While this game celebrates its 5th year, it shows no sign of slowing down in its relentless growth and has remained the undisputed king of MMOs. Yet many has been complaining that WoW is losing its "epicness". Is it truely that case or just that we players have even higher expectations now? While some fondly recall the glory days of raiding Molten Cores, others might be replused at the mere thought of organising 40man raids. If getting a 25man together is difficult nowadays, imagine all the logistical nightmare of the yester-past.I remember the first time I step into Teldressil, thinking that it's one of the most magical place on the interwebz. The purplely hue of the place gives it a very atmospheric feel. Flash forward to now, Darn is still one of the most beautiful capital city imo but it has certainly lost the awe-inspiring factor it once had on it.
So what happen? Is it that WoW has become boring? Darn has not changed since like forever so that can't be it. Then I realised that I've been looking at Darn for so long that I have become sorta numb to the place. Just like how too much of a good thing is a bad thing.Similarly, what was once unique in the Outland has become just another dull place for you to level your toon; You just want to get out of it ASAP. So, it is not WoW that has lose its epicness but rather we're too numb to the good stuff and need a strong "stimuli".
Wrath of the Lich King certainly shakes things up in terms of game play. I took to playing the Deathknight class, abandoning my poor hunter [who today is still stuck at level 70]. Till today, I have no idea what compels me to play a DK, even thinking that it IS the class for me.
WoW still continues to attract my attention, even thou sometimes things can become a bored. [Isn't that what happen when you do too much of the same thing?]. Northrend is lore-heavy, focusing on the lore of the Lich King, which is perfect for me.
Dungeons wise, it is certainly much easier than the CC-fest that plagues TBC dungeons. Yet sometimes I wonder if Blizz made the trash too much of an AoE-fest [once again, the problem becomes more prominent as your gear grow]. Raids are smaller and available in all sizes, 10 or 25. And it is certainly much easier to PuG raids now than TBC days.
While Naxx is öld content, I still find it amazing that Blizz manages to keep all their subsequent raid bosses fun and unique. You will not find repeat mechanics although the fundementals remain the same [stay out of the goddamn fire]. Downing each raid boss for the first time feels epic no matter what.
I whooped when Kel'thuzad was defeated, I whooped when Yogg-Saron bit the dust [although we downed Anub earlier than Yogg]. These are some of the fights that I'll certainly remember.All in all, Blizz has done an excellent job with Wrath of the Lich King. While improvements can be made, I hope they apply the lessons learnt from this expansion to Cataclysm. As for me, it is interesting to note how much my characters have evolved over the years, not to mention my UI too! With the expansion reaching its climatic end, it is finally time to close a chapter in the World....of Warcraft and to embark on a new journey.
It's a weird weird World....of Warcraft
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