Welcome to the first of 2009's Weekly Update, renamed Recap Recon cos it sounds cool. Hope everyone has a wonderful first week of a brand new year. Raids and phat lewts abound in this week.
A week after installing game chat Ventrilo for my Malygos PUG raid, I got myself a spanking *pair* of headphones (no complains about my grammar, lis). Pity there's no green.

A week after downing Thrall, Zel finally found a group that start with Thunder Bluff first cos honestly, I dont have the patience of DCing 755 times during a city raid, much less FOUR.

Thanks King Wyrnn.
Fel, who overslept on his nana nap, was late for the Ancients' weekly raid on Saturday. (He thought we raid on sun instead *facepalm). Turns out to be a blessing in disguise as Borg decided we should do Valt of Archie and Obsidian Sanctum instead.

Archie went down quickly, netting us an Embalm of Heroism, a Shammy T7 leg (karma, fel? >.>) and a Deathknight PVP Season 5 glove. After a spectacular roll of 18, Deafknight kindly pass the glove, allowing Zel to get his loot.

Sarth was the next to go down. Mikeymouse tanked his first raid here, and did a damn well job of doing so. For some reason, i was caught in the firewall a couple of times. Baaaad Zel. Zel looted a bag of spoils as well with 36g and 5 embalms inside it.

Fel and Lis finally came online much to our joy and we promptly started on Naxx. A few wipes and kinks in the Plague quaters later, we find ourselves face to face with Loatheb [anagram of Healbot, oh the irony]. Loatheb was 7 manned with the hunters trapped outside [that'll teach us to move in together for boss fights..] None-the-less, our incredible healers [Moon, Fel and Jondy] kept the few remaining DPS and tank up. Being able to self heal as a Deathknight kicks some srs ass too.
He went down, giving up a T7 shoulder for Moonspirit who richly deserves it.

On a final note, Mearz, Lis, Fel, Oday and me decided we should gun for the Bronze Drake mount in Heroic CoT. All of them work wonderfully well, with Fel getting his mount. Another run not shown here, Mearz [or is it Lis] got his/her mount as well. Well done, next time we'll have a SS of the 5 Bronze Drakes.
That's all for this week's happening in the Ancients and my life. I'm still sad that Patch 3.0.8 isn't here yet QQ
Grats again on the War Bear, and 7-manning Loatheb. :D
Also, I showed moon that 'World of World of Warcraft' video yesterday, and the headphones you bought are the same as mine.
You're stalking me, aren't you?