First, a small distraction. Zel finally obtains his first T7 using 80 EoHs. Shoutout to Borg & Jondy (The Heal-n-Tank Wonder) for making this possible! Next goal: T7 gloves.

So you wanna raid Naxxramas, home of the Arch-Lich Kel-thuzad? First you gotta find where is it. It's on the map for your convinence and beside the Alliance stronghold. Fantastic for quick repairs after a wipe.
Yet once you move to Naxx's location, its not there! No, you're not hallucinating. Like Dalaran, it's a floating city of death. So summon your flyer and fly upwards. Entrance's by Naxx's ass.

Should you manage to down him, Kel-thuzad will taut you from his lair, marking the start of your journey.
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